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출연:彼得·库欣 布里特·艾克拉诺 赫伯特·罗姆 帕特里克·马基 巴瑞·摩司 芭芭拉·帕金斯 Robert Powell 夏洛特·兰普林 Sylvia Syms Richard Todd
줄거리: Framing StoryDr Martin (Robert Powell) arrives at a secluded asylum "for the incurably insane" to be interviewed for a job by the wheelchair-using, authoritarian Dr Lionel Rutherford (Patrick Magee). Rutherford explains that he owes his current incapacitation to an attack by an inmate. Rutherford reveals his unorthodox plan to determine Martin's suitability for the post of head Doctor. One of the asylum's current inmates is Dr B. Starr, the former head doctor who underwent a complete mental breakdown. Martin is to interview the inmates of the asylum to deduce which one is Dr Starr. If his choice is correct Rutherford will "consider" him for the post. The attendant Max Reynolds (Geoffrey Bayldon) admits Martin through the security door to the inmates' solitary confinement cells where he interviews each in turn. "Frozen Fear"Bonnie (Barbara Parkins) recounts the plot to murder Ruth (Sylvia Sims), the wealthy wife of her lover Walter (Richard Todd). Ruth is a possessive heiress who studies voodoo, and this interest stands in the way of Bonnie and Walter being together. "The Weird Tailor"Bruno (Barry Morse) recounts how poverty forced him to accept the unusual request of a Mr Smith (Peter Cushing) to produce an elaborate suit of clothing from a mysterious, scintillating, fabric that can animate anything, including the dead. After learning what the suit will be used for, Bruno fights Smith and accidentally kills him. He returns with the unsold suit. His wife Anna (Anne Firbank) dresses their store mannequin in the suit and its true powers are revealed. "Lucy Comes To Stay"The ebullient Barbara (Charlotte Rampling) informs Martin she has been in an asylum before. After her release from that asylum she was closely monitored at home by her brother George (James Villiers) and a nurse, Miss Higgins (Megs Jenkins). This frustrated existence is relieved when her mischievous friend Lucy (Britt Ekland) comes to visit. "Mannikins of Horror"Finally Martin interviews Dr Byron (Herbert Lom) who holds Rutherford in deep contempt. Byron explains he is working towards soul transference with a small automaton whose head is a likeness of his own, and shows Martin several earlier models. Byron plans to "will" his mannequin to life, and explains the interior of the robot is organic, a miniaturised version of his own viscera. Martin concludes his interview and Max shows him downstairs to deliver his judgement to Rutherford. Byron successfully brings his mannequin to life: it makes its way to Rutherford's office and kills him with a surgical knife. Then, Martin destroys the mannequin and seeks help from Max Reynolds, and Dr. Starr's true identity is revealed.
출연:芭芭拉·帕金斯 帕蒂·杜克 保罗·伯克 莎朗·塔特
줄거리: 安娜·威尔斯 Anne Welles:外表庄严秀丽内心却情感丰富的女主角,一生渴望获得真爱,而不是委屈于被爱;年轻时甩掉钻石王老五,临近中年时甩掉化妆品公司董事,好友詹妮弗自杀,与闺蜜妮丽反目成仇,可最还被花心的初恋情人莱昂·伯克伤透了心。(电影版由芭芭拉·帕金斯饰演)原型是小说作者杰·苏珊本人。 妮丽·奥哈拉 Neely O'Hara:17岁来到纽约打拼认识了安妮,一次偶然的机会她登上舞台一举成名,但随之而来的不仅是名利,还伴随着兴奋剂,安眠药,与同性恋老公离婚之后发疯进了疯人院,出院后东山再起却缠上了好友安妮的老公莱昂,再一次走向自我毁灭。(电影版由帕蒂·杜克主演)原型是朱迪·加兰。 詹妮弗·诺斯 Jennifer North:小说里最喜欢的人物,外貌性感靓丽却不失清纯,内心善良与人为善,可惜遇人不淑,她也是第一个服用“红娃娃”的女演员,王子、歌星、制片人直至议会议员,却没有一个人真心实意的爱她,最终因为癌症自杀永别于世。(电影版由莎朗·塔特主演)原型是玛丽莲·梦露。 海伦·劳逊 Helen Lawson:满口粗话却主宰百老汇的女明星,自私自利到头来只换来空虚寂寞。(电影版由苏珊·海沃德主演)
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